Cloudflare Configs

Cloudflare Configs

How to config the cloudflare api.

Before you start, you must have a Cloudflare account and be hosted on Cloudflare.

In this section, you can update these variables:


Variable Descriptions

  • CLOUDFLARE_ZONE_ID: This is the unique identifier for your Cloudflare zone. You can find it in the Cloudflare dashboard under the Overview section of your domain.

Follow this way, and scroll down to Zone ID.

  • CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY: This is the API key that you use to authenticate requests to the Cloudflare API. You can generate or find your API key in the Cloudflare dashboard under the profile -> api-tokens section.

Follow, and scroll down to API Token, the Global API Key should be used.

  • CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL: This is the email address associated with your Cloudflare account. It is used for authentication alongside the API key.