DNS Records

DNS Records

Create and manage your DNS records.

Legitimacy review

  • To avoid abuse, applications without website content will be rejected
  • To avoid domain name conflicts, please check before applying
  • Completed website construction or released open source project (ready to build website for open source project)
  • Political sensitivity, violence, pornography, link jumping, VPN, reverse proxy services, and other illegal or sensitive content must not appear on the website

Administrators will conduct domain name checks periodically to clean up domain names that violate the above rules, have no content, and are not open source related


  • 为了避免滥用,无网站内容的申请将被拒绝
  • 为了避免域名冲突,请在申请前进行检查
  • 已经完成网站建设或已经发布开源项目(准备为开源项目搭建网站)
  • 不可在网站中出现政治敏感及暴力、色情、链接跳转、VPN、反向代理服务等违法或敏感内容



What is a DNS Record?

A DNS record is a piece of information that is stored in a DNS zone. It is a record that contains a hostname and an IP address. A DNS record can be a CNAME or an A record.

When to use DNS Records?

  • When you need to redirect traffic from one domain to another.
  • When you need to redirect traffic from one IP address to another.

Why use WR.DO DNS Records?

WR.DO provide a free DNS record management service that can help you quickly create and manage DNS records. You do not need to purchase additional domains to use one short and resolve to your server.

Creating DNS Records with WR.DO

  1. Navigate to DNS Management Page: After logging in, you will see a "DNS Management" option in the navigation bar, click DNS Management to proceed.
  2. Add Record: Click the "Add Record" button and select the type of record you need (such as CNAME, A, etc.).
  3. Fill in Details: Enter the hostname, target address, and other details as prompted.
  4. Save Record: After confirming everything is correct, click the "Save" button.
